اعلامیه احمد مسعود

NOTE: We ask all group members to share Ahmad Massoud’s appeal in their pages and groups so that the world can hear his voice. This will be your help to Ahmad Massoud and the Afghan people.
NRFA Press Center
′′In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful”.
Taliban as an extremist group, on behalf of Mazhab (creed) and religion look at the world through the eyes of extremism and violence. This extremist group, in collaboration with a number of interested states, as a player in Afghanistan, raised its white flag. All known extremist actions of the Taliban, violence and assault on humanity, are expanding its borders, which will affect all countries of Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Middle East and the world in the near future.
Presently, the Taliban frankly acknowledge their association with the international terrorist organizations such as ISIS and Al-Qaida against the The National Resistance Front of Afghanistan (Jabh-e Melli Afghan), based in Panjshir.
So, ISIS, Al-Qaida and other extremist groups together with the Taliban began the destruction of minorities in Panjshir and the regions of northern Afghanistan. Those who acknowledged the Taliban, are responsible for this lawlessness and provided them with psychological and material support.
The US and NATO military forces have imported a large number of weapons, combat equipment and military equipment into Afghanistan over the past 20 years, which have already been developed by Ashraf Ghani, today are at the disposal of Taliban, ISIS and Al – Qaidas “, will continue to be used against humanity.
Now, the Taliban fail to keep their promises of human rights, killing PanjshIr’s children and women from these weapons and other regions of Afghanistan, commit crimes against humanity based on national and religious difference.
In fact, historical and cultural values and human values do not matter, they are destroyed and destroyed, and even historical monuments with 4-5 thousand years of history.
Today they are trying to create violent and dictatorial power called an Islamic Emirate and acquire official recognition of peace. Unfortunately, a number of states, might be from fear recognized the Taliban and the Taliban are being pardoned by them.
The National Resistance Front of Afghanistan, today, is fighting not only for the protection of Panjshir, but also for the protection of the entire people of Afghanistan and human rights.
If these extremist groups do not take action to prevent and suppress these ′′ weapons of mass destruction “, the activities of these extremist groups will embrace the whole world today or tomorrow. Tomorrow will be late. This is real and logical naturalness.
I urge the world community to confront this disaster and to not stay away.
We haven’t declared war on anyone, we are still only protecting ourselves.
We are proud and honourable people of Panjshir, until the last drop of our blood will stand against these murderers of humanity. Welcome, to all those, who are with us.
Even if we remain unheard, we will continue to fight against these enemies of humanity, and if we become shahids (martyrs) on this path, let everyone know that every deceased is a symbol of humanity’s freedom on the earth, that will remain in the memory of the whole population of the world.
Success from Allah.